
By Mac小兔

Copyright © 2017 Xiaowan Liu

In order to get R'resources more conveniently, I summary some useful commands in this article which is benefical to my R language's studying and is facilitate search for everyone surffing the net


  • help.start()

    Starting browser, provide help with the format of HTML

  • help.search()

    Allowing you to search something using any method which you want to employ

  • example(topic)

    To see the demo of a topic

  • source(“filename.R”)

    processing batch

  • objects()

    Showing all of the names of Objects in the current environment

  • assign("var",c(3)) and var<-c(3)

    Be equal to each other



  • rep(x,times=5) & rep(x,each=5)

  • logical vector

    value could equal TURE,FALSE,NA

  • is.na(x)

    judging whether x has NA element

  • is.nan(x)

    judging whether x has NAN element

  • print(x,quote=F),parameter quote

    logical, indicating whether or not strings should be printed with surrounding quotes.

  • paste(x,y,sep=””)

    paste vector x and y together use seq to separate

  • y <-x[-(1:5)]: exclude x[1:5]

  • mode and length

  • attributes(object)

    access an object’s attributes.

  • as.character(x) & as.integer(digits)

  • class


  • unclass

    returns (a copy of) its argument with its class attribute removed.

  • factor(x)

    encode a vector as a factor.

  • levels(factorname)

    provides access to the levels attribute of a variable.

  • tapply(X, INDEX, FUN = NULL, …, default = NA, simplify = TRUE)

    Apply a function to each cell of a ragged array, that is to each (non-empty) group of values given by a unique combination of the levels of certain factors.

  • dim(x) <-c(2,3,4)

    abtain array x which is 2*3*4

  • array(x) & matrix(x)

  • ab <- a %o% b or ` ab <- outer(a,b,”*”)
