
By Mac小兔
  • 不能等到完美再出发。等到完美,人书俱老。生命短暂,你不可能永远准备充分。完美只是电影上的一个场景,小说中的一个情节,婚礼上的几分钟。先行动,在路上解决问题,而不是原地苦等完美光临。在行动中面对内心的恐惧、犹豫和胆战心惊,在行动中面对不确定和不完美。我们从不完美,但热烈燃烧。

  • You should not wait to start off until your have already become perfect person. After you striving to become more perfect, you will get older. Life is short, you could not make adequate preparation forever. Perfect that only existed in a plot of a film or a noval or a marriage which contained only several minutes. Taking action first, then solve problems on the road, rather than waiting for perfect arrived. Facing inner fears, hesitations and thrillings in actions. We should bravely in the face of uncertains and imperfect. Actually, We are never perfect at all, but we are passionate.
